Conditions of Use

Here’s the ground rules for doing business with ShinyBox


We want you to be happy with your purchase:

ShinyBox is not some mega mart, business is done primarily by word of mouth. We only sell products we believe in, and we stick by those products. Take the right amount of time(within reason)to evaluate your product, to make sure it’s what you want, but please treat us like you’d like to be treated. We want you to be happy!


We guarantee our products for 2 years from purchase. Regular maintenance and repair of equipment damaged by misuse(accidental breakage), are not covered, just parts and labour if it fails. [paragraph break] If you require service, or replacement parts, give us a call, and we can get you a quote on what it would cost to get back to original specs. We don’t charge an arm and a leg for service, and want your products to work for you for many years!


All Pictures and Content are copyright of otherwise noted), and can not be used without the expressed written permission of the site owner.